Brenda Skaalerud photography

Brenda Skaalerud photography

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I am starting out our new family blog and hoping to keep up to date on it!  I will start with an update on the family:
Steve:  thanking God he is still working at 40 hours per week!  He is the main breadwinner so we count on his income to live.  He's been enjoying the spring weather and loves to be outside.  He is currently in the process of fixing up a older Camaro with Joey and enjoys it alot.  He's doing it from head to toe and inside to outside!!  I'm so lucky to have him and so are the kids.  He's a wonderful man who loves us and cares for us everyday.
Liz:  working part time still and at home which is so nice.  I'm usually working while everyone is at school and my main goal is to be done when they get home.  I'm planning on returning to school in the fall but changing my major from court reporter to legal administrative assistant.  I'm super excited to learn more about the law and to work in that field and hoping the schooling goes well!
Jake:  he's in 11th grade and is doing well.  He's been driving for about a year now and has his "own" truck.   He just started working at sonic and I know will enjoy finally having his own money.  Jake continues to be a wonderful big brother and really likes being with the little ones.
Joey:  just turned 16 this year!  where did that time go?!  he's in 10th grade and has really good grades, he's a natural smarty I think!!  He doesn't have his license yet (good for our pocket book) but is already thinking of getting a job to have money of his own as well.   He too is a good big brother and this littles ones really love him. 
JD: sweet sweet JD.  God truly put this child on my heart and I know I heard him say that he was meant for our family.  He's been with us for almost 11 months!!  Somedays I think it's already been a year?!?! and then other times it's like we've had him forever.  He continues to love to learn and is struggling a bit in school but really loves to go everyday.  He still has that contagious smile that just doesn't want to leave his face.  He is in the 3rd grade but they have him popping in and out of the 1st and kindergarten classes for reading and some math.   He loves being outside with the other kids and also really loves to do crafty things.
Zoe:  the princess!!  She's the only girl and still the baby in the family and I think that is where she belongs.  She's in 1st grade and I cannot believe how much she can read, and enjoys it!  She loves to learn and play with friends but also craves her quiet time where she can just be by herself to watch tv, read or play in her room.  She is so sweet and loving and sassy!!   I'm so glad she is part of our family and can't imagine life without her.
Sammy and Drake:  our spoiled rotten dogs!  they bark at every dog/person that walks down the street, jump all over people when they come to our house, track dirty paw prints on the carpet when they come in from a rainy day, ruin the wood floors with their nails, pick their spots in bed and don't move easily if they are in our way and yet.....give us the unconditional love we need!!!  They are part of our family (whether we like it or not) and we just love them!!!

That's the family in  a nutshell.  We are blessed with our 4 children and really really love them!!!

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