February is a much loved month for JD! It's his birthday on February 15th and a day he cherishes now that he has a family. The back story is that I love my birthday ....LOVE my birthday! and it's a family joke that the month of December is my birthday month and I make sure each day that get that!
Well, JD's month is finally here and he's loving it. Yesterday Zoe wanted to have some potstickers for lunch and JD did not. So as she was eating hers he decided he wanted some and she kept saying no (such loving siblings!!) and he kept saying, I just want one and she kept saying no (get the point???). I was in the other room when I heard JD say "well, it IS my birthday month and I'm suppose to get whatever I want". I laughed so hard and when I told Steve he said....yep, he's your son!!!
Last year he had his first ever birthday with us and we took him and a bunch of friends to Chuck-E-Cheese (hello 2nd mortgage!!!!). He had fun and said thank you to us a million times. This year I asked what he wanted to do and he decided he didn't want a friends birthday but to spend the day at MOA (Mall of America to you outside the lovely state of MN) and buy whatever he wants at the lego store. So....that is what we're planning to do tomorrow (Monday) if the weather cooperates! We're expected to get a blizzard but hopefully we're able to go. I'm so happy he gets to make his own plans for his own birthday and that he wants to be with us! His actual birthday is Friday so we'll plan a meal of his choosing and I did buy him a drumset that we'll give to him and I know he'll love that.
I can't believe this is only his 2nd birthday with us and yet he's turning 11. We missed so much of his life but you'd never know it with how quickly he's made his way into our family and it feels like he's been with us forever. He's truly the most loving child and is thankfully for everything that we do/give to him. We were able to send him a cake in China to share with others 3 years ago. I'm putting those pictures on here as they bring back such wonderful memories for us. We had all the proper paperwork stating he was our son and were waiting on the different steps that would take us to the ultimate gotcha day. We had sent a photo book of our family, a few toys, and of course a Minnesota Vikings knit hat. For his birthday we sent a cake, camera and a stuffed animal. He still talks about the stuff we sent him and that he wasn't allowed to keep it but had to share with others. That makes me so sad and ticked off! This boy who is so compassionate to others was treated so unfairly.
anyway.....these birthday pictures were sooooo exciting to get as we waited to get him and we fell more in love with him!!!